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István Szentandrássy



This is the first exhibition space in Hungary which bears the name of István Szentandrássy (1957-2020), painter, winner of the Kossuth Prize. The life path of the artist, who was of Roma origin and had a Hungarian identity, obliges the following generations to transmit and increase universal human values. The István Szentandrássy Roma Art Gallery considers it its mission to introduce Roma artists who have created remarkable oeuvres of a European quality since the mid-20th century, as well as to offer exhibition space to talented contemporary creators of fine arts, applied arts and photography. At our events, we offer an opportunity to introduce related art forms and give space to community thinking.

Our main aim is to form a bridge between Roma and non-Roma people through art.

The István Szentandrássy Roma Art Gallery has a permanent exhibition of “Szenty’s shrine”, which contains relics of the artist and furniture from his studio. The Gallery is maintained by Gandhi Foundation School Nonprofit Public Service Company.


István Szentandrássy, painter, winner of the Kossuth Prize, 

Budapest August 26, 1957. –Budapest, February 26, 2020.

He started by writing plays and poetry, then drawing, and this path led him to painting. His master was another Roma artist, Tamás Péli. After studying at the Amsterdam University of Fine Arts, he created his own school of painting. Many intellectual Roma artists joined this movement, who were not only dedicated to their art but also to creating equal opportunities to the Roma people.

Szentandrássy’s art as well as his magnetic personality impressed mainstream and Roma society all over Europe. With his ideas in his drawings and paintings he presents universal human goodness, proclaiming the human values of all times. Through his art, he delivered the powerful message that we should strive to achieve what we can, we should want to have more love for all those we share our homeland with, and we should be proud of our culture and our heritage.His painting combines Biblical stories, Spanish literature and most of all, Roma beliefs and tradition; it has become an organic part of Hungarian culture, enriching our cultural heritage.His paintings are regularly exhibited in Hungary and various other countries. He has had individual exhibitions in the Castle Bazaar in Budapest, the Valley of Arts festival, at the MANK Gallery in Szentendre and last at the House of Terror Museum.

He won a Pro Urbe Budapest prize in 1995 and a For Minorities Prize in 1999. In 2012 he won the Kossuth Prize for his works that depict the ancient, balladistic traditions and figures of the Roma community with unique colors, for his imprescriptible merits in preserving Roma culture in Hungary and making it widely known, for his highly successful exhibitions abroad and for his exemplary art.

The artist’s website:


Gandhi Foundation School Nonprofit Public Service Company located in Pécs is the creator and operator of theIstván Szentandrássy Roma Art Gallery, as well as the operator of the first Gypsy/Roma secondary school in Europe, Gandhi Secondary School, Dormitory, Primary School and Primary Art School, the Minority Roma Methodological, Educational and Cultural Center, and from the year 2021, of András Fáy Technical School in Bátonyterenye.

The long-term goal of Gandhi Foundation School Nonprofit Public Service Company is to increase the social acceptance of Roma people, enhance the self-esteem of the Roma community, improve the majority’s ability to accept differences and make accessible the treasures of Roma culture and art.In September 2017, the Gandhi Institution system – as a recognition of its achievements – was added to the international list of good practices for preserving UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

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